Artwork by Se Lyn Lim
by Se Lyn Lim (@selyn_lim)
Se Lyn Lim was born in 2004 and is currently studying Fine Art at the Ruskin School of Art within the University of Oxford. Her work derives stimulation from an assemblage of sources including speculative fiction, film, science, nature and exhibition viewing. As someone who has been exposed to diverse ways of life as well as alienation through experiencing a multicultural upbringing, she is interested in expressing ideas of duality and hybridity. She finds importance in leaving ambiguity for the audience’s imagination to be activated and to engage in their own interpretation of the work. Although primarily a painter, she has been experimenting with sculpture, installation and film to explore the merging and coexistence of different binary entities including elements of the human and non human. For example, in her work Symphony: Polyphony, 2024, using discarded objects, she has reassembled them as instruments that can be played to produce unexpected sounds. She has recently exhibited work at the Dolphin Gallery within St John’s College, Oxford and at The Isis Magazine Art Show.